The valid types of length units. |
- class kittycad.models.unit_length.UnitLength(value)[source][source]
The valid types of length units.
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'_generate_next_value_': <function Enum._generate_next_value_>, '__module__': 'kittycad.models.unit_length', '__doc__': 'The valid types of length units.', '__str__': <function UnitLength.__str__>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'UnitLength' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'UnitLength' objects>, '_member_names_': ['CM', 'FT', 'IN', 'M', 'MM', 'YD'], '_member_map_': {'CM': <UnitLength.CM: 'cm'>, 'FT': <UnitLength.FT: 'ft'>, 'IN': <UnitLength.IN: 'in'>, 'M': <UnitLength.M: 'm'>, 'MM': <UnitLength.MM: 'mm'>, 'YD': <UnitLength.YD: 'yd'>}, '_member_type_': <class 'str'>, '_value2member_map_': {'cm': <UnitLength.CM: 'cm'>, 'ft': <UnitLength.FT: 'ft'>, 'in': <UnitLength.IN: 'in'>, 'm': <UnitLength.M: 'm'>, 'mm': <UnitLength.MM: 'mm'>, 'yd': <UnitLength.YD: 'yd'>}, 'CM': <UnitLength.CM: 'cm'>, 'FT': <UnitLength.FT: 'ft'>, 'IN': <UnitLength.IN: 'in'>, 'M': <UnitLength.M: 'm'>, 'MM': <UnitLength.MM: 'mm'>, 'YD': <UnitLength.YD: 'yd'>, '__repr__': <function Enum.__repr__>, '__format__': <function Enum.__format__>, '__new__': <function Enum.__new__>, '__annotations__': {}})[source]
- _generate_next_value_(start, count, last_values)[source]
Generate the next value when not given.
name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_value: the last value assigned or None